Wednesday, 7 June 2017

June is here already!!

Wow, it's hard to believe that June is here already!

Here are some important bits of information you will need for the coming weeks:

Provincial Achievement Tests

Grade 6 students will be writing these in the mornings of June 19, 20, 22, and 23 (not June 21). It is important that students be as well-rested as they can be, as the exams take 90-120 minutes and require a lot of stamina.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, June 19th: Reading
  • Tuesday, June 20th: Math
  • Thursday, June 22nd: Social Studies
  • Friday, June 23rd: Science

During these exams, Grade 5 students will be working on various science curriculum to prepare them for next year. 

Field Trip to Hangar Museum --> June 15th

Many students have not returned their permission forms. They need to be returned as soon as possible.

Grade 6 Farewell Assembly --> Wednesday June 21st at 2:00PM

Put this on your calendars, invitations will be sent home soon.