Monday, 12 September 2016

Week 1 - Recap


It's hard to believe we've been working together for a week already!

Students began their year by organizing their lives here at school. This includes several forms which should be returned to the school as soon as possible. Also, don't forget indoor shoes!! If you have any problems or concerns, you can always call me at the school or email me.

We will be using binders primarily for all subjects. They have also been given subject dividers. There is no need for students to bring their own binders. We have also decorated our own take-home folders, so that we can take individual sheets home without having to worry about them getting wrecked in backpacks.

Students worked on some illustrated stories of their summer. It looks like many students had enjoyable holidays, and like to spend time outdoors.

Students have been exploring fractals, learning about reading strategies, and exploring our inquiry focus question for the year: "What is success?"

After learning to use a Frayer Model to build our vocabulary, students worked in groups to figure out what success means to them. We then looked at the life story of Albert Einstein, a successful academic, and used what we learned to refine our thoughts.

Finally we decided on the definition we will use as a class:

"Success is when you complete something as best as you can and ask questions so you can improve."