Saturday, 22 October 2016

Important Dates (October 24-November 4)

Things are getting busy in Room 6.

Leadership Club will be having a battery recycling event on Tuesday, October 25th. Please bring any household batteries that you have at home that are waiting to be recycled.

On Wednesday, October 26th, students in Leadership Club will head to WE Day.

Scholastic Orders are due on Friday, October 28th.

Mr. Smith will be attending a workshop on Monday, October 31st, so Ms. Phillip will be with us this day.

October 31st will also be Orange and Black Day here at CJFS, so feel free to wear orange and/or black clothes. Note: We do not wear Halloween costumes to school, nor do we have Halloween parties. This allows us to minimize disruptions to our learning.

On Friday, November 4th, students will be getting a visit from another expert guest speaker to help us with our inquiry of what it takes to colonize Mars. No spoilers, but please try not to be absent this day!!

Monday, 17 October 2016

This week in Room 6

Two big tasks have been taken on in Room 6 this week:

Firstly, students have started researching conditions on Mars. Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about what would be necessary to design and build a habitat for human life on the red planet. You may find lots about Mars in the news. Discuss any of the information you find with your child, or send it in to school. Students should also be able to show you their research notes on Google Docs.

Secondly, students have been assigned groups to work in during our next series of math lessons. Some students will be working with Ms. Scott's class, and some of her students will be working with ours. Both classes will be looking at strategies for solving math word-problems. Specifically, students will be learning strategies for figuring our the equation(s) that a problem is asking them to solve.

Kindly remember as the weather gets cooler and wetter that your child needs to have indoor and outdoor shoes at school. It is also expected that they be dressed to spend recess outside, unless the temperature is -20 or cooler.

Students are continuing to work with independent novel studies. Ask your child what their novel is. This can be worked on during your reading practice with them.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Reminder that photo orders are due Thursday, October 13th.

Monday, 3 October 2016

No school Friday/Monday

A reminder that there is no school Friday, October 7th (due to parent/teacher conferences) or Monday, October 10th (due to Thanksgiving).

Students should spend at least 30 minutes per day reading. They have access to books they can borrow from the school, and can also access Tumblebooks online.

To use Tumblebooks, head to 
Username: cjfscott
Password:  reads

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Last Chance: Book your Parent/Teacher Conference Appointment

A reminder to everyone that Parent Teacher Conferences are this Thursday evening, October 6th, and Friday October 7th.

Please note that in order to prepare for conferences, Thursday is an EARLY DISMISSAL day this week.

How to book your conferences

There are 3 ways you can book your conferences:

  • Online, via your CBE Account (link)
  • email me, and I will respond with some available times.
  • you can also book appointments over the phone by calling the school and speaking with me, or the office.
Kindly note that my available appointments remaining are
  • Thursday, October 6th, between 4:00 PM and 5:30 PM
  • Thursday, October 6th, between 6:30 PM and 8:00 PM
  • Friday, October 7th, between 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM
It is my hope to meet all of my students' parents and families. If none of these times work, I am happy to set something up on a different day, just let me know.

I look forward to seeing you soon!!

-Mr. Smith

What is Society?

This week, we learned about what makes up a society. As a class, we decided that all societies have certain categories of things that makes them distinct. Then, working in pairs, we identified lists of things in each category that goes together to make up a society.

The mindmap below shows the result. Start a discussion by asking your child if they see any ways that the items in different colors are connected.

After we examined how some things in the different colors are connected to each other, the class came up with this definition for society:

Society is a system of living people and nature, in the same place, working together to keep each other safe, and healthy.