Monday, 17 October 2016

This week in Room 6

Two big tasks have been taken on in Room 6 this week:

Firstly, students have started researching conditions on Mars. Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about what would be necessary to design and build a habitat for human life on the red planet. You may find lots about Mars in the news. Discuss any of the information you find with your child, or send it in to school. Students should also be able to show you their research notes on Google Docs.

Secondly, students have been assigned groups to work in during our next series of math lessons. Some students will be working with Ms. Scott's class, and some of her students will be working with ours. Both classes will be looking at strategies for solving math word-problems. Specifically, students will be learning strategies for figuring our the equation(s) that a problem is asking them to solve.

Kindly remember as the weather gets cooler and wetter that your child needs to have indoor and outdoor shoes at school. It is also expected that they be dressed to spend recess outside, unless the temperature is -20 or cooler.

Students are continuing to work with independent novel studies. Ask your child what their novel is. This can be worked on during your reading practice with them.